Ryan Wissinger

Ryan Wissinger (@idaho_wrecks) at The Riverside Hotel’s Bar 365 (@riversidehotelboise). He covers a tremendous range of songs (over 650 songs in his current repetoire) in a variety of genres and spanning six decades of influences. He plays a large array of venues as well, from small weddings to huge festivals, so it’s a real treat to see him in this intimate place.

Bar 365 on 2/18/24

Cunningham & Moss

While you were watching the Super Bowl, I was enjoying the acoustic duo Cunningham & Moss (https://www.facebook.com/CunninghamandMoss/) at The Riverside Hotel’s Bar 365. Don Cunningham has been a fixture in the Southern Idaho music scene for over 40 years bouncing back-and-forth between acoustic and electric combos. David Moss (@mossdcmusic), originally from Pocatello, Idaho, has been performing in the Boise area for the past 17 years.

Bar 365 2/11/24